Trip Report from Sierra Leone by Tom Johnson

Tom Johnson, founder of Africa Surgery, Inc. (ASI), has recently returned from his latest trip to Sierra Leone and has written up a report on his work during this trip, covering October 2016 until March 2017. On October 30, 2016, ASI sent Alusine Kargbo, age about 40, and Mateneh Marrah, age 38, from Sierra Leone […] Lees verder →

Surgery helps Mateneh, Umaru and Amadu

On October 30, 2017, Africa Surgery Inc. sent Mateneh, age 38, from Sierra Leone to Kenya. She had a large tumor which had began about five years before on the left side of her face and neck. The tumor was removed by Dr.David Nolen, a young American surgeon volunteering at the AIC Kijabe Hospital, a […] Lees verder →

Adamsay and Alusine thank their donors

Adamsay is a 8 year old girl. She was last seen by Africa Surgery in 2016 with an acute life threatening kyfosis. After medical screening she was immediately taken to Ghana for surgery. Thank God, with the help of you the donors, today Adamsay Bangura can walk straight again. She would no longer be ashamed […] Lees verder →

Emergency surgery saves the lives of two women

Fatmata, age 35, lives in a small farming village in Sierra Leone. Fatmata’s uterus had been bloated with fibroid growths to the point of threatening her life. Just four days after a complete hysterectomy and two blood transfusions made possible with funds from Africa Surgery Netherlands, Fatmata was able to walk from her hospial bed […] Lees verder →

Recent results from Sierra Leone

Africa Surgery would like to show some of the recent results. Mariatu right leg had developed a painful infection in the bone right above her knee.  Africa Surgery had Mariatu receive surgery by a team of orthopedic surgeons visiting Sierra Leone from Germany, with a visibly positive affect.   Abu was found walking slowly with […] Lees verder →

Africa Surgery Report for 2015

TOM’S TRIP REPORT FROM SIERRA LEONE – MAY 6 TO AUG. 8, 2015 The Ebola epidemic which devastated Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia made it dangerous for me to visit Sierra Leone in October 2014 as I had planned. A visit then would have been unproductive because the hospitals and clinics I work with stopped […] Lees verder →